electromechanics (at The Cruci…
electromechanics (at The Crucible)
who knew that deleting old phone and electrical wiring could be so satisfying?
Z-axis show, liked Renetta Sitoy’s memory piece of floorplans of every place she’d ever lived.
watching the KFOG Kaboom from Yerba Buena Island, amazing view on an atypically clear SF night!
listening to Michael Pollan speak, excedingly well!, for Long Now at Herbst Theater.
…can anyone cite the FAA reg for why devices must be turned off when the aircraft is in the air? Everyone speculates, no one knows…
when Homeland Security is at threat level “orange”, what does that mean?Have we ever been at “yellow”? URL, please…
I’m baaaack (at San Francisco International Airport)