seeing SF Opera’s The Abductio…
seeing SF Opera’s The Abduction (@ War Memorial Opera House in SF) http://bit.ly/rNiaE
seeing SF Opera’s The Abduction (@ War Memorial Opera House in SF) http://bit.ly/rNiaE
with a pregnant lady (@ paragon bar/cafe in SF) http://bit.ly/2O0QOH
maintenance for the flatbed (@ St Louise Studios in Oakland) http://bit.ly/HgOHe
with the Cabal Cabal. (@ Brown Sugar Kitchen in Oakland) http://bit.ly/WCTAk
West Oakland Neighbors meeting (@ Willie Keyes Community Recreation Center in Oakland) http://bit.ly/171zVm
WOPAC meeting *whew* (@ West Oakland Senior Center in Oakland) http://bit.ly/1bP68h
back in sweet, foggy SF. (@ San Francisco International Airport in SF) http://bit.ly/2Ch4f1
heading home from St Louis. Will be good to be back in the Bay. See you at Joy’s later!
I’m at Pi (6144 Delmar Blvd, St Louis). http://bit.ly/3fJmSj