@bunny_girl1 yes’m. And it sha…
@bunny_girl1 yes’m. And it shall be mine.
finance committee mtg (@ The Crucible in Oakland) http://bit.ly/qt6KX
home inspection celeberatory tart time (@ Brown Sugar Kitchen in Oakland) http://bit.ly/WCTAk
I’m at Cole Coffee (6255 College Ave., Oakland). http://bit.ly/134JHO
wedding fun (@ Mission Ranch in Carmel) http://bit.ly/hjaih
I’m at Brown Sugar Kitchen (2534 Mandela Pkwy, Campbell St, Oakland). http://bit.ly/WCTAk
I’m at St Louise Studios (3431 Louise St, 34th St, Oakland). http://bit.ly/HgOHe
I’m at Jimmy Bean’s (1290 6th St, Gilman, San Francisco). http://bit.ly/15UXdC
@teiwaz we should coordinate our travel/social plans
Rolling home on the bus, anyone want to cruise around SF?