I’m at St Louise Studios (3431…
I’m at St Louise Studios (3431 Louise St, 34th St, Oakland) http://4sq.com/mMmRNg
I’m at St Louise Studios (3431 Louise St, 34th St, Oakland) http://4sq.com/mMmRNg
pork belly, arugula salad and…braised rabbit pizza…mmm (@ SR24) http://4sq.com/kaR1op
I’m at Biofuel Oasis (1441 Ashby Ave, @ Sacramento St., Berkeley) http://4sq.com/elA0lL
Sedaris! (@ War Memorial Opera House w/ 10 others) http://4sq.com/ehDBUl
I’ll be darned. And there goes a Nissan Leaf. The future is present.
Whoa. Just spotted a white Chevy Volt coming exiting Ashby onto 80W. Production test or are these being released. Cal plates, not MI.
I’m at Flora Restaurant & Bar (1900 Telegraph Ave, at 19th, Oakland) http://4sq.com/gmndBj
I’m at the Bently Reserve w/ @arewereally http://4sq.com/fLJIVk
I’m at Basement Gallery http://4sq.com/gDa1xQ
Attn: Tacoma owners, this is where you go to replace your catalytic converter. Third time’s the charm. http://4sq.com/gNt89j