At last. (@ Parc Güell) http:…
At last. (@ Parc Güell) http://4sq.com/9MmviY
At last. (@ Parc Güell) http://4sq.com/9MmviY
Nuts. The weather is perfect now that I leave in 12 hours. Of course, 8 of those hours are night time. http://tweetphoto.com/27356713
I’m at Casa Milà (La Pedrera) (Passeig de Gràcia 92, Barcelona). http://4sq.com/72NCMi
so odd what a small meal of croissant, coffee and orange juice can do for me! (@ Il Café di Francesco) http://4sq.com/caAKsu
is it supposed to be raining here in mid-June? Glad I got so much walking in during the day. (@ Plaça Real) http://4sq.com/bcCEkA
I’m at Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC) (Palau Nacional, Barcelona). http://4sq.com/4LQvnI
Holland’s hanging in there, vuvuzelas abuzz. Don’t seem to be many Dutch here. Me sitting by the Med for the first time.
grilled calamari for lunch. At last. (@ La Boqueria) http://4sq.com/6HfdFt
I’m at Estació de Sants (Plaça dels Països Catalans s/n, Barcelona). http://4sq.com/cCHgNf
heading to Barcelona. (@ Estación Renfe Atocha w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/81iPdA