I’m at Brown Sugar Kitchen (25…
I’m at Brown Sugar Kitchen (2534 Mandela Pkwy, Campbell St, SF) .
I’m at Brown Sugar Kitchen (2534 Mandela Pkwy, Campbell St, SF) .
cleanliness is next to godliness (ps: I’m at St Louise Studios)
Hey, I’m at Village Grounds (1797A Shattuck Ave, Delaware, SF) .
arrived safely in San Jose. Drive no faster than 40kph halfway across the nation. Only two harrowing mountain blind curve passing attempts.
amazed by Costa Rica’s Banco Nacional’s byzantine online banking. Finally figured out how to authenticate after 20 minutes’ effort. *whew*
porch floor almost done. My hardware Spanish is broadening… Now to replace the roof before leaving on Sun.
cleared the trees on Mom’s road, fixed the tub, now to tackle the roof leaks.
great day hiking to a magnificent waterfall and taking some location readings. And Coco turned 14 today, happy bday!
about to hike down to the San Luis waterfall.